Values & Missions

Values & Missions

Internship Makers’ vision

Our vision

One day, people won’t be from a country or even from a continent anymore: they will be from the world and they will feel so. They will travel, work and live anywhere they like. We are here now and we will be there then to help them do so.

Our Mission

To help people learn while travelling.

Finding internships and accommodation abroad, Internship Makers helps young people open their minds and start, not only their careers, but also their lives at a global stage. It also helps businesses grow, connecting them with qualified and inspired students from all over the world.


Our values

Knowledge: We believe that learning is the key to a better world

Not only education, but also practical development of new skills and travels are essential for the next generations to build a better future.

Availability:  We listen with open-mindedness and enthusiasm

We listen to this qualified student, to this start-up entrepreneur, to this accomplished businessman talking about their projects with passion, we understand their needs and we connect the right people together.

Ethics: We believe that no company can grow without integrity, and if so: what’s the point?

We are here to help young people get where they want to go in life and companies find the right human resources to move forward.

Positivism: Make it happen!

We act in a world of entrepreneurs and young people shaping, not only their future, but the future of our societies. It’s inspiring! They all have a dream and we are here to help them make it come true.

Activeness: Make a difference and do it now!

We do not wait for others to build the path. When there is no path, we build it ourselves.

Diversity: There are no cultural gaps, only opportunities to learn

Because the best people can do for this world is becoming and being who they truly are, we respect people, value diversity and are committed to equality.

Cheerfulness: Because we are not going to change the world being grumpy

It’s not only useless, it’s counterproductive!