The process

Internship Makers’ process for students

At Internship Makers we know that searching an internship in a foreign country can be stressful. That’s why we make life easier for you and ensure that we find you a suitable work placement as quickly as possible. In order to do so, we have set up a simple process that allows you to get an internship overseas and get to your destination in only 6 steps!

  • Step 1 – Register for an internship abroad

    Fill out our registration form and choose your internship destination(s) and package(s). If you have several destinations or fields of activity in mind, feel free to select all of them.You can also apply online to the internship offers displayed on our website. These offers are updated on a daily basis, so do not hesitate to apply for the ones you like most and check them regularly.

  • Step 2 – Personal interview with Internship Makers

    An Internship Makers agent, recruitment professional, will contact you to better understand your needs and your profile. This will help us in finding the perfect internship for you.And because we like it when it is simple, this agent will become your personal agent and take care of your application during all the process. So, should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact him/her.

  • Step 3– Internship search

    Your personal agent will send you a list of several internship offers that match your request and your profile. You will rank the offers by order of preference. Then, we will review your CV and send it to the companies you chose. We send only one CV per internship offer we have so that you are not in competition with other Internship Makers’ students.

  • Step 4 – Interview with the company

    As soon as we receive a positive answer from a company that wants to interview you, an 80 Euros deposit is required. Internship Makers will help you prepare this interview to ensure you succeed, thanks to an advice booklet and pre-interviews in English (or Spanish or French) with one of our agents.

  • Step 5 – Signature of your training agreement

    When the company decides to take you on board, to receive your internship agreement signed by this host company, Internship Makers do request payment of the balance due for the internship package.

  • Step 6 – Departure preparation

    Internship Makers provides you at no charge a practical handbook, depending on your chosen destination, a city map and a public transportation map, that you’ll want to keep with you at all times (useful addresses, telephone numbers, etc).If you decide to use other Internship Makers’ services such as accommodation, transportation or languages courses, we also find a room in a shared apartment or a host family for you, book a taxi to pick you up at the airport and/or schedule lessons with our language schools partners.

Easy, right? So, register now for free and let us find you the perfect internship abroad!

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