
Your internship in the Netherlands

Your internship in the Netherlands

Let us help you find a great internship in the Netherlands and improve your English while enjoying this typical Nordic feeling or Gezelligheid!

Discover the charming Dutch way of life and immerse yourself in this rich melting pot.

Internship package for the Netherlands

Your INTERNSHIP package for the Netherlands includes the services:

  • Internship – Personalised support
  • You can also associate additional services upon request (According to the rate applicable at the date of purchase)

The internship service

  • An interview with your personal Internship Makers agent
  • A review of your resume
  • Proposals of internship offers in the Netherlands matching your expectations, skills and level of English
  • A personalised coaching session before the interview with the company to ensure your success
  • The organisation of an interview appointment with the company
  • The signature of your internship agreement

The personalised support

  • A personal Internship Makers agent for all your questions and requests
  • A practical handbook guide about life in the Netherlands
  • A «smooth stay» monitoring support service
  • A map of the Netherlands
  • Getting you in contact with other students in the Netherlands


Requested additional services are not included in this price; feel free to contact us for a quote.
Payable via secured bank transfer payment

Sign up now to start your Dutch working experience !

Accommodation package for the Netherlands

Your ACCOMMODATION package for the Netherlands includes the services:

  • Accommodation – Personalised support.
  • You can also associate additional services on request (According to the rate applicable at the date of purchase).


  • The search for your accommodation in the Netherlands: a room in a shared apartment or a host family according to your preferences
  • A place close to the location of your host company
  • A rent within your budget (as far as possible)
  • Pictures and description of the flat or the host family before acceptance
  • All accommodations are furnished and equipped
  • Reception of the keys and incoming/outgoing walk-thru inventory
  • The option to switch accommodation (based on a valid reason and availability)


Internship Makers fees are fixed and only payable once (not monthly), they do not include the monthly rent of the accommodation.
Requested additional services are not included in this price; feel free to contact us for a quote.
Payable via secured bank transfer payment

Sign up now to start your Dutch working experience ! speak-gears

Extra services for your internship in the Netherlands


Transfer Arrival / Departure


English courses
at a qualified language school

Why choose the Netherlands for your internship in English ?

Located between Belgium and Germany, the Netherlands are famous for their windmills, and tulips fields but you will soon find out that the country has much more to offer. The Netherlands will provide you with an open and multicultural environment for your internship in English. Indeed, most Dutch people speak English in their daily lives. Believe us, you will soon feel at home there!

What kind of internship opportunities can I find in The Netherlands ?

Due to its colonial history, the kingdom has always been a hub for international trade and is still among the world’s biggest exporting countries. Nowadays, the country exports agri-food products, chemicals and electronic components, which transit through Rotterdam, Europe’s largest port.


The country is home to many multinational corporations such as Unilever (Consumer goods), Philips (Electronics), Shell (Energy) or ING Group (Financial services). Moreover, thanks to its strategic location at the center of the European market, the Netherlands attracts many international firms such as Cisco (IT), Nike (Sportswear and equipment) or Tesla (Automotive).

With an industrial sector as developed as its financial services, the Netherlands is the perfect place to start your international career.


Are the Netherlands still not appealing enough? Don’t worry, doing your work placement in Holland will also allow you to nurture your entrepreneurial spirit! If you are a budding entrepreneur, know that the Netherlands has become one of Europe’s welcoming start-up nation. You will have many opportunities to do your internship in a Dutch start-up.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to know more about work placement opportunities in an English-speaking country. We can surely help you enhance your professional skills while improving your English!

Which activities can I do while interning in Holland ?

The capital, Amsterdam, abounds with museums. Take some time to admire Old Masters’ paintings at the Rijksmuseum. If you would rather take some fresh air after your workday, take a bike tour along Amsterdam’s canals then go relax in the warm atmosphere of a local café.

Your traineeship in the Netherlands will also be the opportunity to enjoy some unique Dutch treats. You definitely have to taste the delicious stroopwafels, chocoladeletters and the crusty bitterballen! And don’t miss The Heineken Experience, a must-do for any beer lover.

If you feel like immersing yourself in the Dutch folklore, you should definitely go to Efteling, a fantasy-themed park located in Kaatsheuvel, in the south of the country. And remember, Dutch people love sports! A good way to fit in would be to join a soccer club or simply cheer for the local team if running after a ball is not really your thing but you still like sports!

Finally, let’s not forget the lively nightlife, which will satisfy the most ardent partiers. Go clubbing in Rotterdam, do a round of Amsterdam’s bars or, if your internship abroad takes place in August, attend Lowlands, a popular music and arts festival. Just take your pick!

We told you, in Holland there’s something for every taste! On a sunny day, you can even head to the Frisian islands to enjoy beautiful sand beaches.

Thanks to the Dutch’s openness and conviviality, you will grow from this experience abroad and strengthen your soft skills. A work experience in Holland will add to your resume this international touch that recruiters love.




Vibrant and lively, Amsterdam has everything that makes a busy metropolis, a beautiful and inspiring place to live!