How do we work with companies ?

How do we work with companies ?

At Internship Makers, we know that searching for the right interns and recruiting them actually takes time. Just think about those precious hours that you’ve spent interviewing the wrong candidates… Now think about how much more productive these hours would have been if you had spent them focused on your core business. Frustrating, right?

Internship Makers handles your recruitment process for interns in only 6 simple steps and support you throughout each internship periods. And the best news is: we do it for free!

Make your life easier, we take care of everything for you!

Our 6 easy steps to find a brilliant intern

  • Step 1 – You describe the internship position(s)

    If you already have a description for the internship position you want to fill, please do not hesitate to send it to us directly by email at you haven’t described the role yet, do not worry! You can send an offer here.Tip: Do not hesitate to detail the tasks and missions the intern will be doing as well as the profile you are looking for. The more precise you will be, the more accurate will be the profiles we send you.

  • Step 2 – Internship Makers select the right candidates for you

    Internship Makers will advertise your internship offer to the students registered in its database and broadcast it within its network of partner Business Schools and Universities.We will then identify and carefully select candidates to fit your company needs and requirements.We assess every candidates professionally and during their interview, we:

    • Analyse their professional experience
    • Examine their skills and knowledge
    • Assess their motivation
    • Get a feel of their personality
    • Check on their diplomas
    • Test their level of languages
    • Analyse their social and professional behaviour
    Internship Makers will also introduce your company, your products/services and the position you offer to the candidates and will answer all their questions.

  • Step 3 – We introduce the selected candidates to you

    Internship Makers will send you an e-mail with :

    • The CV(s) of the candidate(s) matching your expectations
    • An interview report for each candidate
  • Step 4– You interview the candidates and select them

    You choose the candidates you want to interview and notify their name to Internship Makers.Internship Makers will organize interviews (via phone or via Skype) between you and the chosen candidates.

  • Step 5 – You decide who you want to take on board

    After interviewing a candidate, you are free to decide whether you want to accept the candidate or not.Once you accept a student for an internship, Internship Makers will send you the internship agreement provided by the intern (from its school). You will just have to sign it and send it back to Internship Makers. We will then announce and confirm you the intern’s arrival.Please do not send the internship agreement directly back to the interns as they will pay Internship Makers’ fees for the service before receiving it.

  • Step 6 – Internship Makers follow up

    Internship Makers will follow up on the conduct, integration and progress of the chosen intern.

Send your offer for free

Why recruit international interns through Internship Makers?

Brilliant interns available

Thanks to its exposure to major universities and schools across the world and its experienced recruiting agents, Internship Makers is able to provide your organization with qualified international students for any aspect of your business. From Event Organization to Engineering, Marketing, Finance, Communication, Business Research or Human Resources and any other similar department, Internship Makers will find the right intern for you. Our students are well prepared academically and they can take internships from 2 to 6 months (sometimes one year).

Most companies wait until right before they need an intern to start recruiting one. Be different! By sending us your internship offers, you will make sure we advertise them consistently to the students matching your criteria (only these ones of course) and you will get the best interns before they are already taken by other companies!

Time saving – We take care of everything!

Do not waste time reviewing applications and interviewing candidates that do not match your expectations. We will only send you candidates that match your criteria and you will be able to choose whether you want to interview them or not. We will then organise your interviews (by phone or via Skype) with the candidates you have selected.

We arrange everything for the students vis-à-vis their internship stay (Accommodation, internship agreements, VISA, taxi from the airport…). This way, we deal with all your interns’ questions and you can keep focused on your business. You just have to welcome them when they arrive at your company.

Cost cutting – Our services are free of charge for companies

Not only are Internship Makers intern recruiting services free of charges for companies but using them is also a very good way to cut down on your hiring costs. Internship Makers does not charge companies for finding interns, nor for organizing interviews with them or for getting the paperwork done. And, should you decide to hire the students at the end of their internship periods, we will not charge you anything neither!

Forget about the costs related to advertising, sorting and pre-selecting potential candidates! Forget about spending time conducting interviews with students that do not match your criteria! Internship Makers is here to help you find the most suitable interns for your company. We only ask you to provide high quality internships and interesting tasks and missions to your interns in a favourable work environment that will ease the development of their professional skills.

Improve your corporate social responsibility

Yes, recruiting can be a pain – and it’s tempting to ask around before advertising an internship. However, before you do so, think of all the young people with great potential who don’t have the contacts and connections to your enterprise. Don’t they deserve a fair access?

No more working positions disguised into internships! At Internship Makers we make sure that the candidates we send you are looking for an internship as part of their studies, which is a necessary requirement by law.

And remember, if you provide a good internship program and your employees are mentoring your interns well, these young professionals will always remind their experience at your company and will talk about it in a positive way.

We use “out of the box” techniques to recruit our interns

Gen Y and Z are different. Okay, you already know that. So why use the same old techniques to hire them? When it comes to finding new talents, Internship Makers recruiting professionals get creative! They turn to social media, alumni referrals, apps and do not hesitate to connect directly with specific university departments and organizations.

So, when do we start working together ?